
We are generation efficiency. When it comes to energy efficiency, we want to do the right thing – driven by innovation and our sense of responsibility.

Energy Saving Solutions

geff covers everywhere where energy is fed into a building services system.

+ Savings Guarantee
+ Energy Performance Contracting
+ Worry-Free Package
Active Around the World

geff is organized internationally with offices in Europe (headquarters) and North America.Your advantages with geff. We work independently, together with our partners, and with other energy efficiency specialists around the world. We pool knowledge, technologies, and people in the area of energy efficiency.

Your advantages with geff

We guide clients through the entire optimization process, providing individualized, modular services for everything from the initial analysis and planning to the implementation and execution. We also guarantee our energy savings, offer a multitude of project financing options, and support our clients’ PR needs, all while maintaining a global reach and our manufacturer-independence.
