We are generation efficiency. When it comes to energy efficiency, we want to do the right thing by innovating and being responsible.
We actively live by this principle through our everyday work, applying our concept of “people, systems, and technology” to energy management and optimization for processes and facilities.
We guide clients through the entire optimization process, providing individualized, modular services for everything from the initial analysis and planning, to the implementation and execution, to even the financing of the project. Sustainable and long-lasting savings successes are ensured via the training of your employees and deployment of our monitoring systems.
At geff, you will find a complete catalogue of intelligent energy-saving solutions and services. Clients in industry, logistics, real estate management, hospitals, and everything in between have already profitted from our energy efficiency expertise.
Each client receives a customized package of efficiency measures. This is because the potential energy savings and the emphasis that achieving those savings should receive is dependent on both the magnitude and type of energy consumption. Our goal is to – after our analysis of the individual system technologies in place (such as the ventilation, the heating, refrigeration, compressed air, and all of the other systems and infrastructure) – attune and integrate those systems better with one another to achieve the maximum energy efficiency result.
In the process of optimizing your energy consumption, we also look to take advantage of possible energy generation or capture opportunities in the environment around you. Sunlight, wind, water, geothermal heat, waste materials, or waste-heat can all serve as local energy sources, which can be tapped and integrated into your energy infrastructure in order to lower your total operational costs.
By taking a holistic view of all systems and through the combination of our modular solutions, we are able to maximize your energy savings – guaranteed.
The first step towards more energy efficiency and sustainability
is to recognize your own potential
…. now is the time.
is to recognize your own potential
Our Strategic Approach
People – System – Technology
geff takes a holistic approach towards energy efficiency. In every project that we do, we focus on the three most important factors within an optimization process.
From our perspective, the impact of the “human”-element in an efficiency concept is one of the most important factors to success. Only through and with the cooperation and engagement of people can a project be truly successful – therefore we make sure to involve everyone possible. If all the participants are able to see the reasoning behind and the uses of the solution in a positive light, the positive energy saving effects of that measure will be significantly higher. We cover everything from providing the participants with basic information about the proposed effi ciency solution and its intended results, to directing targeted further-education sessions.
We treat every phase of the energy consumption supply chain as a single system: energy generation, storage, distribution, use, and conversion. For example, is there excess energy in the heating system, which could be transferred into another system for consumption or storage there via the implementation of new technologies? Using this approach, we check for and integrate complementary equipment deployments throughout the building‘s energy consumption infrastructure, and are thereby able to reach maximum system operational efficiencies.
Through our worldwide network, we are always on the cutting edge of technology and have access to many innovative solutions, while at the same time maintaining manufacturer-independence, allowing us to focus on finding you the most fitting solution for your needs. The latest energy efficiency technologies are standard in our services. Deploying a customer-specific monitoring solution ensures user-friendly transparency, overview, and sustainability on all projects.

Our Goal

I am convinced that our current generation can conserve the resources provided by our planet for future generations through an intelligent and responsible use of those resources and by making use of innovative technologies.
We have made it our mission to use the massive savings potential that the energy efficiency sector offers. Over the years, we have been able to gain much experience, and in the healthcare, telecommunications, and the automotive industries alone, have been able to save even more energy on our projects than even the most optimistic calculations had projected!
Through our pooling-concept we combine expertise and technologies worldwide, to bring clients together with the optimal solutions for their needs. Because saving energy works best when it is applicable globally.
Now is the time…
Steffen Müller
Managing Director, geff GmbH
President, geff L.P.

The factors that unite us all:
The will to – and the clear focus on saving energy, thinking and acting sustainably, innovation, quality, expertise, and enthusiasm.